Climate Change and Air Pollution: Interventions to Increase Adaptation and Resiliency in Respiratory Health

Presented at the European Respiratory Society Congress 2024

Vienna, Austria


Climate change and air pollution are global threats to respiratory health, with air pollution ranking as the second leading cause of death worldwide in 2021. In this symposium, The Clean Breathing Institute explores the latest evidence on potential interventions to strengthen individual and community resilience against worsening environmental conditions.

By raising awareness and promoting strategies for respiratory health, this symposium supports The Clean Breathing Institute's mission to educate and empower communities, fostering collaboration among global experts.

Speakers and presentation titles:

Prof. Christopher Carlsten


Climate change as a risk to respiratory health: Status

Dr. Sundeep Salvi


Discussion: Importance of behaviour change

Prof. Fan Chung


Discussion: Diet and exercise

Prof. Gary Wong


Discussion: Antioxidants and anti-inflammatories